About us

About us

A type 1 Public Administration Unit (UAP) created in 1990, the Institut Scientifique de Service Public (ISSeP) is the worthy successor to the Institut des Mines (1902), the Institut national des industries charbonnières (INICHar-1947) and the Institut national des industries extractives (INIEx-1967). As a result, it benefits from a heritage of over 100 years of research and recognized expertise.

The Institut Scientifique de Service Public (ISSeP) is subject to the authority of the Walloon Government, which holds the management powers. Its functional Minister is the Minister of the Environment.

It employs around 300 people at two sites: Liège, where the head office is also located, and Colfontaine.

The Institute is recognized ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO/IEC 17043. The implementation of these requirements has been officially and internationally recognized by BELAC accreditation since 1997.

ISSeP carries out scientific and technical activities in the environmental field, and is also recognized as Wallonia’s reference laboratory.

Environmental metrology is crucial to understanding changes in the earth and its climate. The well-being and security of future generations depend on decisions taken in environmental policy. To define the right course of action, decision-makers, companies and citizens need reliable, regular information. Through its scientific experience and efficiency in the environmental and risk management fields, ISSeP contributes to improving our environment.
The Institute is organized around three main areas of expertise:

Environmental metrology

The Institute is in charge of numerous environmental characterization programs (air, water, soil, waste, sediment, non-ionizing radiation) aimed at diagnosing the chemical, physical, ecological and health status of these environments. Within this framework, it carries out very specific missions such as operating Wallonia’s environmental networks via :

  • surface water quality monitoring ;
  • groundwater quality monitoring ;
  • monitoring bathing water quality ;
  • pool water quality monitoring ;
  • air quality monitoring ;
  • study and characterization of stack emissions from industrial facilities in Wallonia;
  • Continuous monitoring of dioxin emissions from public waste incinerators;
  • supervision of C. E. T. landfill sites;
  • characterization of sediments in navigable and non-navigable waterways;

Assessing and preventing accidental and chronic risks

The Institute assesses and prevents the risks that economic activity poses (or has posed) to mankind and the environment in fields as diverse as :

  • the consequences of soil and subsoil mining in Wallonia ;
  • technical support to the Administration for the rehabilitation of disused sites;
  • restoration of architectural heritage ;
  • risk assessment of materials, such as inventory and analysis of asbestos and hazardous products;
  • controlling exposure to electromagnetic fields ;
  • technical support for the implementation of comprehensive and consistent management of fuel oil tanks;
  • analysis of risks to the population from diffuse pollution;
  • Standardization and technical safety in relation to industrial risks in areas accessible to the public;
  • risk assessment in explosive atmospheres and safety analysis of household electrical appliances;
  • energy audits and PEB certification;

Research and technological development.

The Institute’s research programs keep its expertise at the cutting edge of scientific knowledge.
ISSeP’s research policy is designed to meet the main expectations of its customers. These expectations lie in maintaining competitiveness, deploying and/or redeploying activities, complying with various European Directives and Walloon Decrees, and validating new technologies.