Completed air quality projects

µANALYSIS: determine the nature of dust particles in the atmosphere.

ACCEPTED: Assessment of changing conditions, environmental policies, time-activities, exposure and disease)


EXTRACAR : Development of techniques to assess atmospheric concentrations of black carbon, a pollutant emitted together with PMx by all incomplete combustion processes.

GEORADAR: Development of the georadar technique for road testing

PEMSWALL: Prospection des Emissions des Moteurs automobiles Sur les routes WALLonnes (Survey of Automobile Engine Emissions on Walloon Roads)

PM LAB FIJNSTOF: Fine dust information system for the Euregio

PNM-STACK: PM and Nanoparticles Measurement – Standardized Techniques Available Comparison in stack

REFGAZ: Research on the Equivalence of FTIR forEmission GAS Analysis

SPECIMEN: SPeciation, EC/OC, Ions, MEtal and Number size distribution, determine the composition of fine dusts.