
The health risks associated with exposure to asbestos have been known for many years. The use of asbestos has been banned in Belgium, with the exception of a few specific applications.

Since January 1, 1995, every employer has been required to draw up an inventory of all asbestos-containing materials in the workplace. This inventory is the starting point for a management program designed to reduce workers’ exposure to asbestos fibres to as low a level as possible.
The ISSeP laboratory for the analysis and identification of asbestos in materials has been accredited by the Federal Public Service for Employment, Labor and Social Dialogue since 1997. It covers the qualitative identification of asbestos in materials and the enumeration of airborne fibers.

The laboratory also carries out mineralogical and chemical analysis and characterization of ceramic fibers to determine whether they are hazardous. ISSeP works for public and private bodies.

Contact: Dominique Bossiroy – 04 229 83 21

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