Explosion hazards of powders, dusts and nanoparticles – Standardized testing services
The assessment of the flammability and explosivity characteristics of dusts and powders produced, transported and stored on industrial sites is necessary for the health and safety of workers. The data acquired will enable us to propose effective technical and organizational measures to control the risk.
ISSeP has a laboratory for the analysis of combustible powders, which helps industrialists to develop their safety policy by proposing standardized tests.
Laboratory for flammability and explosivity of reactive powders (ISSeP)
An explosion is…
Source Beaulier
Services : characterization of combustible organic and metallic powders using standardized tests
ISSeP determines the ignition sensitivity and explosion severity of microscopic and nano-sized dusts and powders.
We offer you the characterization of carbonaceous and metallic powders :
Flammability: ability to ignite
- EMI: Minimum ignition energy (EN 13821)
- TMI: Minimum ignition temperature of a dust cloud (EN 50281-2-1)
- TMI: Minimum Ignition Temperature in 5 mm layer (EN 50281-2-1)
- LEL: Lower Explosive Limit (EN 14034-3)
Explosivity: violence generated by the explosion
- Pmax: Maximum pressure reached (EN 14034-1)
- (dP/dt)max: Maximum pressure rise rate (EN 14034-2)
- Kst: Characteristic constant Kst = (dP/dt)max * V1/3
- OLC: Oxygen Limit Concentration (EN 14034-4)
Equipment for studying sensitivity to ignition (Standardized tests)
EMI → Hartmann tube
LEL → 20 L sphere
TMI cloud → Godbert-Greenwald oven
Godbert-Greenwald oven (INRS) 20 L sphere (ISSeP) Hartmann tube (Kühner)
Equipment for assessing explosion violence (Standardized tests)
20-liter sphere (ISSeP) Pressure vs. time curve
(dP/dt)max Kst: Characteristic constant (calculated) Kst = (dP/dt)max * V1/3
ATEX zoning
- Risk assessment, ATEX zone classification
ISSeP classifies zones where gaseous and dusty ATEX are likely to occur (IEC 60079-10-1 and -2).
Contact: Tiécoura SINABA – t.sinaba@issep.be – 065/610819 – 0499/668448