Beaumont, B., Wyard, C., Grippa, T., Dumont, J., Stassen, F., Navette, E. & Hallot, E. (2022, September). Decision support tools for landfill management based on UAVs data. Esa Living Planet Symposium 2022, Bonn, Germany.
Beaumont, B., Stephenne, N., Van Geertsom, J. & Kleeschulte, S. (2022). Belgian experience in the EAGLE LULUCF cross border mapping exercise. 41st EARSeL Symposium. September 2022, Paphos, Cyprus.
Crettels, L., Champon, L., Burlion, N., Delrée, E., Saegerman, C. & Thiry, D. (2022, june). Antimicrobial resistant Escherichia coli prevalence in freshwaters in Belgium and human exposure risk assessment. Symposium de l’Association d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Animale (AESA), Liège, Belgium.
Crettels, L., Burlion, N., Habets A., Delrée, E., Mouchette, A-F. & Thiry, D. (2022, December). Prevalence and characterization of extended-spectrum ß-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in freshwaters, hospital effluents and wastewaters in Belgium. 9th FARAH DAY, Liège, Belgium.
Kech, C., Denis, A.-C. & Nadin, C. (2022, September). SSP-M823 as an alternative method in Wallonia for Fluoranthene, Benzo[a]pyrene, Hexachlorobenzene and PBDEs quality control strategy of surface water network. IPSW 2022 – 13th International Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Habran S., Phillipart C., & Remy S. (2022, September). Using geographic information systems to estimate potential pesticide exposure in Belgium. ISEE 2022 – 34th Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, Athens, Greece (hybrid conference).
Palmaerts, B., Wyard, C., Swinnen, G., Beaumont, B., Petit, S. & Hallot, E. (2022, October). Change detection processing chain on Sentinel-2 data: Application examples from redevlopment sites to airports and bombed cities. Luxembourg Earth Observation and Integrated Applications Day, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg.
Petit, S., Wyard, C., Palmaerts, B., Swinnen, G. & Hallot, E. (2022, May). Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time-series automatic analysis within a Copernicus Collaboration Ground Segment platform, Terrascope. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, Bonn, Germany.
Wyard, C., Beaumont, B., Grippa, T., Nys, G.-A., Fauvel, H., & Hallot, E. (2022, May). Mapping roof materials using WV3 imagery and a state-of-the-art OBIA processing chain: application over Liège, Belgium. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, Bonn, Germany. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.19567.51363
Wyard, C., Beaumont, B., Palmaerts, B., Fauvel, H., Van Driessche, A.& Hallot, E. (2022, October). The CASMATTELE project: mapping the roof materials of entire Wallonia using EO data and AI techniques. Luxembourg Earth Observation and Integrated Applications Day, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg.
Dewaide, L., Descamps, F., Lefebvre C., Pinon, C. & Watelet, J-M. (2021, September) RISSC: Towards a better management of the cavity-related ground movement in Wallonia and Hauts-de-France Regions. 7th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2021, AfricaMuseum Tervuren, Belgium.
Ronchi, B., Joris, A., Frippiat, Ch., Veschkens, M. (2021, September) Transfer of TiO2 and Al2O3 Nanoparticles Through Saturated Carbonate and Silicate Matrix: Column Experiment and Simulation in Hydrus-1D. IAH2021, Brussels, Belgium.
Leroy, D., Libert, P.N., Nadin, C., Hardy, I., Canisius, M. & Marneffe, Y. (2021, May)A Biota Monitoring Network to Determine Priority Substances Concentrations in Walloon Rivers. SETAC Europe 31st Annual Meeting (online).
Marneffe, Y., Chalon, C. & Leroy, D. (2021, May) Endocrine Disruption Levels of Surface Waters in Wallonia: Use of In Vitro Bioassays YES/YAS for the Screening of Estrogenic and Androgenic Activities. SETAC Europe 31st Annual Meeting (online).
Habran, S., Champon, L., Philippart, C. & Remy, S. (2021, August) Vigilance index for outdoor air quality around schools and nurseries. ISEE 2021 – 33rd Annual Conference for the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, New-York, USA (hybrid conference).
Habran, S. & Genin, M. (2021, August) Mapping socio-economic factors for environmental health studies in Wallonia: transposition of the French deprivation index. ISEE 2021 – 33rd Annual Conference for the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, New-York, USA (hybrid conference).
Philippart, C., Swinnen, G., Remy, S. & Habran, S. (2021, May). Indicateur spatialisé de la charge en pesticides d’origine agricole, déclinaison de cartes. GFP 2021 – Congrès du Groupe Français de recherche sur les Pesticides, Namur, Belgium (online).
Radoux, J., Bassine, C., Defourny, P., Grippa, T., Lennert, M., Wolff, E., Beaumont, B., Hallot, E. & Stephenne, N. (2021, December). WalOUS – Land cover and land use maps for Wallonia. ICC 2021 – 30th international Cartographic Conference. http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.12341.19681
Vandenberghe, C., Nadin, C. & Colinet, G. (2021, May). Evaluation de l’analyse de sol en tant qu’indicateur d’usage de produits de protection des plantes et de risque pour la qualité des eaux souterraines. GFP 2021 – Congrès du Groupe Français de recherche sur les Pesticides, Namur, Belgium (online).
Wyard, C., Beaumont, B., Marion, R., Roupioz, L. & Hallot, E. (2021, March). Roof Material Mapping: Application Over Liège Using Open-Source Object-Based Supervised Classification Algorithms EARSeL – 6th European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories Symposium Joint Workshop Urban Remote Sensing, Liège, Belgium (online).
Denis A.-C., Kech C. Leroy D., Marneffe Y. & Veschkens M. (2020, May). Evaluation of passive sampling methods in the Walloon surface water quality control strategy (Belgium) International Passive Sampling Workshop, Utrecht, The Netherlands (reported)
Joris, A. (2020, September) Microplastique dans la matrice solide. Développement de techniques simples de séparation Congrès de l’Astee 2020, Lyon, France.
Beaumont, B., Stephenne, N., Van de Vyvere, C., & Hallot, E. (2019, May). User-oriented process for a 2018 land cover and land use database in the Walloon Georeferential. Esa Living Planet Symposium 2019, Milan, Italy.
Bémelmans, S., Kech, C., Nadin, C. & Frippiat, C. (2019, October). LC/MS and GC/MS determination of emerging pollutants in walloon sewage sludge. ECSM2019 – The 5th European Conference on Sludge Management. Liège, Belgium.
Bouhoulle, E., Liénard, F., Haouche, L., Gossiaux, L., Evlard, A. & Lox, A. (2019, May). Phytomanagement: towards a reuse of abandoned sites in Wallonia. ACS 2019, 15th International Conference on Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources, Anvers, Belgium.
Chabannes, M., Minane, J.-R., Becquart, F., Alary, C., Henry, M. & Haouche, L. (2019, April). Reuse of a dredged fluvial sediment as partial replacement of sand in concrete for a cycle path. 11th International SedNet Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Close, O., Beaumont, B., Petit, S., Fripiat, X. & Hallot, E. (2019, May). Use of satellite imagery for mapping carbon stock changes related to greenhouse gas inventory. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019, Milan, Italy.
Crettels L. (2019, September). Presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (E. coli) in river water: first survey in Wallonia (Belgium). 20th International Symposium on Health Related Water Microbiology, Vienna, Austria.
Dury, M., Hutsemékers, V., Bergmans, B., Gérard, G. & Lenartz, F. (2019, September) Introduction of low emission zones in Walloon municipalities: sensitivity tests with the Atmostreet model. International technical meeting on air pollution modeling and its application (ITM), Hamburg, Germany.
Fays, S., Laruelle, R., Luthers, C. & Gerard, G. (2019, January) La mesure des particules ultrafines en Wallonie, Belgique. Asfera – Congrès français sur les aérosols, Paris, France.
Hallot, E. and Beaumont, B. (2019, May). Development of a Copernicus-based Earth observation training network through operational prototypes to support sustainable development. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019, Milan, Italy.
Kech, C., Bémelmans, S., Moïs, E., Nadin, C. & Frippiat, Ch. (2019, October) Emerging pollutants in Walloon sewage sludge: towards an integrated methodology to evaluate health and environmental impacts of farmland spreading. ECSM2019 – The 5th European Conference on Sludge Management. Liège, Belgium.
Lenartz, F., Hutsemékers, V., Devos T., Dury, M. and Gérard, G. (2019, September) Validation of street canyon models in Wallonia. ITM – International technical meeting on air pollution modeling and its application, Hamburg, Germany.
Liénard, F. and Haouche, L. (2019, May). Reuse of sediments in landscape development: ecotoxicological monitoring of a mound (part of the VALSE project). ACS 2019 -AquaConSoil 15th International Conference on Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources, Antwerp, Belgium.
Petit, S., Close, O., Van de Vyvere, L., Beaumont, B. & Hallot, E. (2019, July). A Combined Use of In-Situ and Remote Sensing Data for the Monitoring of Soil Moisture in Wallonia, Belgium. EARSeL – 39th European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories Symposium, Salzburg, Austria.
Petit, S., Close, O., Van de Vyvere, L., Beaumont, B. & Hallot, E. (2019, May). Monitoring Soil Moisture by Combining In-Situ and Remote Sensing Data in Wallonia, Belgium. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019, Milan, Italy.
Remy, S., Ruthy, I.. & Castelain, Ph. (2019, May). Pesticide exposure assessment of residents during pesticides spraying operations: application of EFs.a.’s model with field data. IUPAC 2019 Congress, Ghent, Belgium.
Ronchi, B., Joris, A., Jamin, P., Brouyère, S., Veschkens, M. & Frippiat, Ch. (2019, September). Fate of TiO2 nanoparticles in carbonate and silicate aquifers, Belgium. Groundwater Quality 2019, Liège, Belgium.
Ruthy, I., Remy, S., Frippiat Ch., Veschkens M., Herman J-L, Ducat N., Pigeon O., Huyghebaert B. & Schiffers B. (2019, May). Exposure assessment to pesticides in the vicinity of treated field: case study in school playgrounds and in private gardens. IUPAC 2019 Congress, Ghent, Belgium.
Ruthy, I., Remy, S., Frippiat, Ch., Veschkens, M., Herman, J-L, Ducat, N., Pigeon, O., Schiffers, B. & Huyghebaert, B. (2019, May). Assessment of exposure to pesticides of residents living in the vicinity of treated fields. IUPAC 2019 Congress, Ghent, Belgium.
Van de Vyvere, L., Dubois, O., Hanse, N., Beaumont, B. & Hallot E. (2019, July). Earth Observation services for smart airports operational management. EARSeL – 39th European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories Symposium, Salzburg, Austria.