
Safety, health and well-being at work at ISSeP

The main principles in force :

  • Every effort must be made to avoid work-related accidents and illnesses.
  • General management, area managers, line management and all our employees are all responsible for safety at their own level.
  • Safety and health are an integral part of all the Institute’s operational and management processes.

These principles are put into practice on a day-to-day basis through the following actions:

  • Identification, assessment and elimination of risks, or implementation of appropriate preventive measures.
  • Bringing work equipment, facilities and buildings up to standard.
  • All incidents are taken into account immediately and corrective measures are drawn up.
  • Regular updating of safety-related operating modes and procedures.
  • Awareness-raising and regular training for new recruits and all staff on well-being in the workplace.
  • Strict monitoring of information, awareness and support procedures for subcontractors.
  • A strong focus on psychosocial risks through specific risk analyses and the definition of appropriate preventive measures.
  • Gradual introduction of administrative formalization of well-being-related actions in line with OSHAS 18001 requirements.