Earth observation :
BELAIR: Earth observation data acquisition to support scientific research.
CASMATTELE: Automated characterization of roofing materials using remote sensing.
CASMATTELE 2 Semi-automatic characterization of roofing materials using remote sensing. (Methodological optimization of CASMATTELE 1 and Walloon-wide implementation)
CETEO: Earth Observation (EO)-based decision support tools for the control and management of landfills.
EO4 LULUCF: Earth Observation for Climate Reporting with a focus on Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF).
HumSol: Feasibility study for soil moisture determination in Wallonia.
INTELLO Integrating artificial intelligence into WalLOn environmental monitoring tools. Link to project website:
PADI: Programme d’Appui au Développement de l’Irrigation au Burkina Faso (Support program for irrigation development in Burkina Faso).
SALTO Secure Active Learning for Territory Observation.
SAR: Use of remote sensing data (satellite and airborne) to update the inventory of sites to be redeveloped.
Smart Airports: Earth observation services to support airport operational management.
SMARTPOP: Spatial planning for population growth in Wallonia and, in particular, in
Liège to shape Smart Cities
WALOUS: WALlonie Land Occupancy and Use.