The health risks related to exposure to asbestos have been known for many years. The use of asbestos is prohibited in Belgium, apart from several specific applications.
Since 1 January 1995, every employer is required to produce an inventory of anything containing asbestos within his/her company. This inventory is the starting point for a management programme which aims to reduce the exposure of workers to asbestos fibres to as low a level as possible.
The ISSeP’s laboratory for analysing and identifying asbestos in materials has been accredited since 1997 and until 2016 by SPF Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale. Under BELAC accreditation, it covers the qualitative identification of asbestos in materials and the counting of fibres in the air.
The laboratory also carries out the mineralogical and chemical analysis and characterisation of ceramic fibres in order to determine if any dangerous fibres are present. The ISSeP works for public and private parties.
Contact: Dominique Bossiroy – 04 229 83 21