Expopesten – sample search

The EXPOPESTEN project underway at ISSeP since October 2014 aims to assess the exposure of Walloons to pesticides in the environment.

In the first phase, we measure pesticide concentrations in the air over the course of a year at 12 stations across Wallonia (Gembloux, Hermée, Dour, Charleroi, Liège, Profondville, Mons, etc.). This measurement campaign will give us an initial idea of the concentrations of pesticides found in the air in Wallonia.

In a second phase, the project aims to evaluate concentrations in the urine of children aged 9 to 12. By measuring internal concentrations, we can approximate what is actually present in the body. As exposure can occur through contact with contaminated objects, ingestion of food or breathing, it is interesting to define which parameters influence children’s exposure.

We’re looking for around 50 children aged 9 to 12 to volunteer to provide us with a sample of their first morning urine ( 1 sample only ) and answers to a questionnaire between June 01 and June 15 (date to be fixed). The samples will be analyzed at the toxicology department of the CHU in Liège. Our project is carried out in agreement with the CHULg ethics commission.

A farmer spreads pesticides on a field on June 24, 2014 in Vimy near Lens. France's ban on pesticides spreading in areas within 200 meters of public places will concern only schools, nurseries and retirement homes, French Agriculture minister said today. AFP PHOTO / DENIS CHARLET

We’re having great difficulty finding volunteers, which is why we’re launching this appeal. We’re primarily looking for children aged 9 to 12 living in Liège (or Liège agglomeration), Charleroi, Oupeye, Habay and Gembloux.

For further information, please contact s.remy@issep.be, who will provide you with all the necessary details and instructions.