ISSAT 2015


8:30 Welcome and coffee


9:00 Welcome :

Ms Heindrichs, ISSeP General Manager, and Mr Stassart, Skywin Director of Space Activities


9h15 Introduction of the day’s objectives by the Ministers :

Mr Di Antonio, Walloon Minister for the Environment, Spatial Planning, Mobility and Transport, Airports and Animal Welfare, Mr Marcourt, Vice-President of the Walloon Government, Minister for the Economy, Industry, Innovation and the Digital Economy


9:30 a.m. Success stories from the Midi Pyrénées region: case studies

Didier TREINSOUTROT, CEREMA: Centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement.


10:20 Implications of local authorities at European level: survey and book “The growing USES

Roya AYAZI, NEREUS: Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies.


10:40 From research to operations, from the FP7 and H2020 framework programs to the Copernicus program

DG GROWTH: Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission


11:00 a.m. Coffee break


11h20 Services for the Walloon administration:

LEJEUNE: Application de la télédétection 3D à la foresterie et à la gestion des cours d’eau, Université de Liège – Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech.

RADOUX: Suivi des états de surface de la Wallonie par télédétection spatiale: applications agricoles, forestières et en biodiversité, Université Catholique de Louvain.

WOLFF: Cartographie des Surfaces Imperméables en Wallonie, Université Libre de Bruxelles.

M BINART: Applications in urban environments, University of Liège.

P-Y DECLERCQ: Geotechnical toolbox for architectural conservation, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences

PLANCHON: Agriculture de précision et suivi des cultures à l’échelle de la parcelle, Centre wallon de recherches agronomiques.

STEPHENNE: Integration of spatial and satellite data in risk analysis for mining waste, Institut scientifique de service public.


12:45 Buffet dinner


14h10 EOregions: boosting the geospatial services market with SENTINEL data in Wallonia :



14h20 Intelligent combination of multi-sensor images for optimizing the updating of geographic databases :



2:30 pm Wan training to promote the use of this data by public services :

SACRIPANTI, WAN: Wallonie Aerotraining Network / C. BARBIER: CSL, Centre Spatial de Liège


14h45 Join the European dynamic by responding to H2020 calls for projects aimed at public authorities :

F. CARRE, NCP-Wallonie.


15:00 STEREO III, the Belgian earth observation research program and technology transfer to administrations :

J-C SCHYNS, BELSPO: Federal science policy


3:15 pm Round table

moderated by Mr S. FLASSE with guests from the various DGs of the SPW and the day’s speakers


4:30 pm Closing cocktail.