PM LAB FIJNSTOF (Fine dust information system for the Euregio)

Partnership: ISSeP, CSE, RWTH, U Hasselt
Grant amount: €2,400,000
Research duration: 36 months
Program: InterReg 4

Contact: Benjamin Bergmans,

PM Lab 01Although air quality is improving across Europe, fine dust is one of the pollutants where the situation is stagnating. The Euregio perimeter is ideal for making progress towards solutions. Close cooperation with information flow and equipment exchange is not a problem. Data consistency can be guaranteed. The involvement of key players (local authorities, industries, etc.) in implementing improvement plans is realistic.

The first aim is to obtain more reliable data on fine dust pollution in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine, particularly in border areas. To this must be added a knowledge of sources and dispersion phenomena through spatial modeling. In addition to PM10 and PM2.5, the focus is also on UFP (ultra-fine particles). In practice, reference equipment and a mobile UFP lab are deployed throughout the Euregio to provide a better basis for data and check that calculated concentrations are consistent. Population exposure, source location and health impact assessment are then carried out. The project’s actions form a chain in which each link is necessary. The authorities, industry and the public are involved as the work progresses, so as to be able to assess the feasibility of the measures envisaged.

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