
PNM-STACK (PM and Nanoparticles Measurement – Standardized Techniques Available Comparison in stack)

Partnership: GDF Suez, CRM, TUAT, VUB, ISSeP
Research budget: €100,000
Research period: 12 months
Program: own funds (Moerman)

Contact: Benjamin Bergmans,


Although PM10 and PM2.5 are among Europe’s priority pollutants in terms of air quality, industrial sources are virtually uncontrolled in terms of particle size.
However, this information is crucial for the health aspects, as it enables us to know the true impact of the industrial source in terms of health effects. Different methods exist, but they are often limited to certain sectors, and few comparative campaigns have been carried out.


pnm-stack01The study will provide an objective assessment of the different methods in terms of both performance and ease of implementation in the field.
Particular attention will also be paid to the formation of secondary particles, i.e. those resulting from the condensation of precursor gases emitted by industrial sources.
With the implementation of the REACH Directive, the emission of nanoparticles by industries is also a hot topic, yet no standardized method is available. The study will also contribute to the development of a prototype equipment currently under development at ISSeP.

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