SPECIMEN (SPeciation, EC/OC, Ions, MEtal and Number size distribution)
Partnership: Uantwerpen, ISSeP
Research budget: €900,000
Research duration: 36 months
Program: own funds (Moerman)
Contact: Eric Fonsny, e.fonsny@issep.be.
In the case of high concentrations of fine dust (PM10 / PM2.5), it is useful to be able to determine the composition of the dust. In addition to determining the origin of certain types of pollution, this also makes it possible to determine the pathogenic nature of the dust present. Some dusts are not very toxic (e.g. sea salt), while certain components are highly toxic (e.g. PAH-coated soot). Chemical speciation and the corresponding mass balances make it possible to target abatement actions and focus on those with the greatest impact on health. This also makes it possible to highlight certain actions (e.g. low emission zone for vehicle) which have a significant impact in terms of public health, even though they have only a very limited effect on the total mass of dust (PM10 / PM2.5) measured.
Dust will be collected at 4 different sites (industrial, traffic, urban, rural) over a full year. The following analytes are tested: elemental chemical composition, metals, anions and cations, carbon (BC, EC/OC).