July 6-8, 2016 – 8th Journées nationales de la Géotechnique et de Géologie de l’Ingénieur, Nancy.

Ali Kheffi presents an oral communication with Daniel Pacyna from DGO3, “Un nouvel outil de prévention des risques du sous-sol en Wallonie (Belgique) – Application au cas des anciennes carrières souterraines de la Malogne (Mons)”.

This JNGG 2016 congress is organized in Nancy from July 6 to 8, 2016 by the LEMTA and Géoressources laboratories of the University of Lorraine (Nancy), with the main theme “Analyzing, designing and planning for the long term”.


Today’s social and economic context requires us to take into account the environment, its hazards and associated risks, climate change, and the preservation of resources and heritage when planning and building projects. The construction of these structures must therefore be based on performance, adaptability and durability.

These are the challenges facing engineers, companies, design offices, institutions and researchers. The eighth JNGG will focus on the sharing, transfer and transmission of know-how.

Further information: http: //jngg2016.sciencesconf.org/