June 6, 2017 – Launch day for Copernicus relays and academies , Brussels.

As the Walloon relay for the European Copernicus program, ISSeP will be taking part in the launch event for Copernicus relays and academies on June 6 in Brussels.

Copernicus relays are the regional voices of Copernicus in the various member states, linking the European Community and end users. The Walloon relay made up of ISSeP, Skywin and SPacebel will be represented.

After half a year of operations, mostly remote and online, all network members will gather in Brussels to receive the official welcome from the European Parliament and Commission. This event will provide an opportunity for the 61 relays and the 79 academies to meet and build bridges and joint actions midway through the experiment.

For more information: http: //workshop.copernicus.eu/copernicus-goes-local

June 617