September 19-21 – NanoTox 2018, 9th International Conference on Nanotoxicology

As part of NanoTox 2018, ISSeP presents a poster on nanoparticles: “Occupational exposure during explosivity testing of nanopowders”.

This poster explains how the risks of exposure to nanoparticles for the operator in charge of nanopowder explosivity tests at ISSeP were assessed using tools specifically developed for nanoparticles (CB Nanotool and StoffenManager Nano). The results were then compared with exposure measurements in the laboratory air.

It has been observed that the results of the above-mentioned tools are too cautious and correspond to very strict safety measures. In reality, however, measured nanoparticle concentrations are very low. What’s more, since the operator wears PPE (personal protective equipment), exposure measurements showed that his protection was assured under handling conditions.

For more information on NanoTox 2018 click here