

Research on FTIR equivalence for emission GAS analysis

FTIR and TDLAS: two new techniques for better measurement of industrial pollutant emissions.



FTIR (Fourier Transform InfraRed spectroscopy) is an analyzer that simultaneously measures the emission of numerous pollutants in industrial stack effluents (CO2, CO, NO, NO2, N2O, SO2, NH3, CH4, HCl, HF, TOC, VOC, CxHy, BTEX, Aldehydes, O3, HCN, etc.). This technique is therefore an interesting choice as a self-monitoring system, both in terms of cost and flexibility in adapting to new pollutants. However, as the specificity of the method is low, considerable fine-tuning is required to prove equivalence with reference methods (SRM). This validation will involve comparative tests both in the laboratory and in the factory. In addition to investing in this equipment, the project will enable us to develop a library of spectra based on sectors of activity and pollutants of interest.

Active diodes TDLAS (Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy) also represent an evolution of conventional techniques. Although less flexible than FTIR, their high specificity places them as a promising new technique, and they will probably replace current MRS in the future.

Collaboration with two manufacturers (Gasmet, AXETRIS), two Belgian reference laboratories (VITO & ISSeP) and a private partner (GDF Suez) enables the pooling of equipment and knowledge, while rationalizing costs.

The results will feed into the work of the new CEN/TC264/WG36 group “Air quality: Measurement of stack gas emissions using FTIR instruments”.

Research period: 2014-2017
Program: own funds (Moerman)

Project managers: DYAKOV Igor – BERGMANS Benjamin