What is the ENVIeS Plan?

In December 2018, the Walloon Government adopted a Plan to study and limit environmental risks to human health. This Walloon Environment-Health Plan (ENVIeS) aims to implement 79 concrete actions, including 19 studies piloted by the ISSeP.

Studies led by ISSeP :

ACTAMIANTE : Implementation of regulatory and information measures to reduce asbestos exposure in Wallonia

Air network improvement: Upgrading fixed and mobile air quality measurement networks

ANTIBIOBUG : Assessment of the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in Walloon watercourses

Walloon BIOMONITORING (BMH-Wal) Aims to determine the levels of impregnation of the Walloon population with chemical substances present in the environment.

BIOSURPLA: Biosurveillance of indoor air quality using plants

CO2 sensors (study included in the AIR-Ecole project): Raise awareness among school staff of the importance of proper ventilation in rooms occupied by children, by making sensors available to measure CO2 concentration in the air in real time.

Automated remote sensing characterization of roofing materials

Study of hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields by double-blind provocation tests using a protocol co-created by electro-hypersensitive people (EHS).

ISEMA : Assessment of the impact of certain emerging substances on the quality of aquatic environments

Labo Amiante: Setting up a laboratory and analytical protocol to characterize free and bound asbestos in soil, earth and construction waste.

LEGIOHOME: The current state of legionella in nursing homes

Complementary air quality measurement network using micro-sensors

Pacemaker 2: Link between cardiovascular disorders and exposure to air quality

PPB-WAL : Assessment of the presence and impact of certain perfluorinated compounds, phthalates and bisphenol A in water in Wallonia

(study included in AIR-Ecole project): Raise awareness in schools and carry out indoor air quality measurements. Inform local players about the impact of traffic on air quality around schools

Development, implementation and management of a health-environment information system

SmartInAir : Smart indoor air monitoring network to reduce the impacts of pollutants on environment and health

Station Namur : Installation of a new air quality measurement station in Namur

(Low Emission Zones) : Environmental impact study for the implementation of Low Emission Zones (ZBE) in Wallonia. Reduce the negative impact of certain automobile-related air pollutants