Dury, M. & Lenartz, F. (2023, June). Assessing exposure to particulate matter via a harmonized modelling approach (PM-Lab) and mobile measurements (OIE). Euregio Meuse-Rhine Conference environmental health, Eupen, Belgique.
Joris A. (2023, novembre), Projets actuels et futurs de l’ISSeP sur les microplastiques. Atelier Microplastiques de la Commission internationale de l’Escaut. Maastricht, 28 novembre, Pays-Bas.
Lenartz F. (2023, May). Revisiting source apportionment. International Technical Meeting On Air Pollution Modeling And Its Application, 22 – 26 May 2023, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Ruthy, I., Pirard, C., Jacques, A., Hoet, P., Haufroid, V., Demaegdt, H., Charlier, C. & Remy, S. (2023, juin). Exposition de la population wallonne aux pesticides: l’étude BMH-Wal. 51ème Congrès du Groupe Français de recherches sur les Pesticides, Paris, France.
Wyard, C., Bueno, F., Beaumont, B., Loozen, Y., Hallot, E. (2023, July). Spatialization of Japanese Knotweed Colonies: from Local Drone Scale to Regional Airborne Application. EARSeL Symposium 2023 (3-6 July), Bucarest, Roumanie.
Jacques, A., Ruthy, I., Pirard, C., Charlier, C., Hoet, P., Haufroid, V., Demaegdt, H. & Remy, S. (2023, June). Background exposure of the general Walloon population to several environmental polluants: the BMH-WAL survey. 12th International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational and Environmental Health, Porto, Portugal.
A.Joris, A.Nagant, L.Haouche, M. Vercauteren, J. Asselman & C.R. Janssen (2023, november), Diagnosis of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) efficiency for the treatment of microplastics (MP) in Wallonia, Belgium : methods and preliminary results. ISEAC-41 International Conference on Environmental & Food Monitoring. Amsterdam, 20-24 november, The Nederlands.
Loozen, Y., Wyard, C., Philippart, C., Beaumont, B., Hallot, E. (2023, May). Thermal Imagery for Regional Thermal Hazard Exposure Mapping. International Workshop on High-Resolution Thermal EO, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy.
Habran, S. (2023). Mapping pesticide-free zones required by legislation to protect vulnerable populations. AI4Copernicus conference 2023 – Earth Observation & Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Climate Change Challenges, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg, May 25.
Habran S. (2023). Localisation des zones de non-traitement pour les pesticides en vue d’une meilleure protection des populations vulnérables. Présentation orale au 14e congrès annuel de la SFSE sur les pressions anthropiques globales sur la santé humaine. Paris, France, 23-25 octobre.
Palmaerts, B., Beaumont, B., Graur, D., Swinnen, G. & Hallot, E. (2023, May). Oriented aircraft object detector using Scaled YOLOv4 on very high-resolution satellite and synthetic datasets. JURSE 2023, Heraklion, Grèce.
Palmaerts, B., Beaumont, B., Graur, D., Swinnen, G. & Hallot, E. (2023, May). Aircraft object detector using Scaled YOLOv4 on very high-resolution satellite and synthetic datasets. AI4Copernicus 2023, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg.
Bietlot, E. & Collart, C. (2023, October). End of waste of recycled aggregates in Wallonia: how to promote circular economy in the construction sector. 19th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Cagliari, Italy. Herzet, S., Collar, C. & Bietlot, E. (2023, October). Biogas monitoring at end of aftercare phase on a landfill site in Wallonia. 19th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Cagliari, Italy.
Beaumont, B., Wyard, C., Petit, S., Palmaerts, B., Swinnen, G. & Hallot, E. (2022). Données d’observation de la Terre multi-sources pour la cartographie dynamique de l’occupation et de l’utilisation du sol en Wallonie. Colloque international « Changements globaux et gestion de la transition : au singulier ou au pluriel ? », Liège, Belgium, Ateliers des Presses, 92 p. ISBN : 978-2-930772-33-2.
Beaumont, B. (2022, January). Le Plan Canopée de la Ville de Liège – présentation des travaux du consortium ISSeP-UCLouvain-VITO. GTCOWAL, Namur, Belgium (online).
Beaumont, B., Graur, G., Palmaerts, B., Swinnen, G. & Hallot, E. (2022, September). Machine and deep learning tools exploiting Earth observation for airport geodata production. 41st EARSeL Symposium, Paphos, Cyprus.
Beaumont, B., Stephenne, N., Van Geertsom, J. & Kleeschulte, S. (2022, September). Belgian experience in the EAGLE LULUCF cross border mapping exercise. 41st EARSeL Symposium, Paphos, Cyprus.
Choopani, A., Ronchi, B., Declercq, P.-Y., Devleeschouwer, X. (2022, September). Ground Deformations Related to an Old Drainage Adit in The Abandoned Coal Concession Around Saint-Vaast (Wallonia, Belgium) Analyzed Using PS-InSAR and Piezometric Wells Time Series. IMWA2022, Christchurch, NEw Zealand.
Demaegdt, H., Ruttens, A., Jacques, A., Ruthy, I., Maggy, P., Cheyns, K. & Remy, S. (2022, November). The influence of lifestyle choices (food, alcohol, smoking) on the blood concentration of Cd, Pb and Hg of newborns and adults from Wallonia. 6th Imekofoods, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Dury, M., Hozay, F. & Lenartz, F. (2022, September). Personal exposure assessment through measurement and modelling. 21st International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Aveiro, Portugal.
Habran, S. (2022, May). Utilisation des SIG pour estimer la pression phytosanitaire potentielle en Wallonie. Conférence SIGLES « Analyses spatiales en santé-environnement », Lille, France.
Joassin, P., Lenartz, F. & Dury, M. (2022, September). Study of spatial and temporal variability of production rates and composition of NOx sources using in-situ measurements combined to a dynamic model of NOx-O3 system. 21st International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Aveiro, Portugal.
Okende, A. & Beaumont, B. (2022). Identification of the drivers of deforestation in the Democratic Republic of Congo : case of territory of Bolobo. Alternet Conference: Transformative Changes for Biodiversity and Health, Ghent, Belgium.
Petit, J. (2022, mars). Détermination des teneurs limites sanitaires pour le Pb dans les sols. Séminaires « Echanges d’expérience DAS » 15 mars 2022, (présentation, 70 slides)
Petit, S., Stasolla, M., Wyard, C., Swinnen, G., Neyt, X. & Hallot, E. (2022, May). Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 for urban planning: an application for automatic near real-time redevelopment sites monitoring. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, Bonn, Germany.
Beaumont, B., Grippa, T., Lennert, M., Radoux, J., Bassine, C., Defourny, P. & Wolff, E. (2021, March). An Open Source Mapping Scheme for Developing Wallonia’s INSPIRE Compliant Land Cover And Land Use Datasets. EARSeL – 6th European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories Symposium Joint Workshop Urban Remote Sensing, Liège, Belgium (online).
Crettels, L., Champon, L., Burlion, N., Breyer, R., Mainil, J., Servais, P., Korfer, J. & Thiry, D.(2021, November).Antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli isolated from freshwaters, hospital effluents and bathing water in Belgium. 8th FARAH DAY, Liège, Belgium.
Hallot, E., Okende, A., Grippa, T. & Beaumont, B. (2021, March). A random forest dasymetric approach for mapping the population distribution at high spatial resolution. EARSeL – 6th European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories Symposium Joint Workshop Urban Remote Sensing, Liège, Belgium (online).
Lenartz, F., Joassin, P., Crespin, P. & Dury, M. (2021, October). An evaluation of data-driven models. International Technical Meeting On Air Pollution Modelling And Its Applications, Barcelona, Spain.
Liénard, F. & Haouche, L. (2021, June). Are dredging sediments ecologically equivalent to a soil? I2SM – 7th edition of International Symposium on Sediment Management, Lille, France (online).
Petit, J. (2021, November). Development of sustainable health risk based standards for lead using probabilistic and toxicokinetic models. Soilver 26th forum (online).
Petit, J., Remy, S., Maggi, P., Jacques, A., Goidts, E., Gosselin, P. (2021, June). Human biomonitoring surveys on adult populations exposed to contaminated soils (Pb, Cd, As), focus on health risks due to urban food production. AquaConsoil 2021 (online).
Petit, S., Stasolla, M., Wyard, C., Swinnen, G., Close, O., Beaumont, B., Rasumny, C., Neyt, X. & Hallot, E. (2021, March). The Potential of SAR and OPTICAL Sentinel Images for the Automatic Monitoring of Redevelopment Sites. EARSeL – 6th European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories Symposium Joint Workshop Urban Remote Sensing, Liège, Belgium (online).
Pereira, B., Le Bel, M., Jailler, M., Heilier, J.-F., Colinet, G., Liénard, A., Petit, J., Remy, S., Berzigotti, B., Goidts, E., Gosselin, P., Fontenoy, D., Lobet, B., Vandeuren, A. & Delmelle, P. (2021, June) SANISOL: a web tool to provide recommendations for users of trace metal contaminated vegetable gardens in Wallonia (southern Belgium). AquaConsoil 2021 (online).
Romain, A.C. & Fays, S. (2021, April). Odour sampling system with remote triggering: feedback from a Belgian experience. NOSE 2020, Taormina, Italy (online).
Ronchi, B., Stassen, F., Drevet, J-P., Veschkens, M. (2021, September). How to integrate outbreak risk issues from drainage adits from abandonned mines in land use planning: a tool for decision-makers. 7th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2021, AfricaMuseum Tervuren, Belgium.
Stasolla, M., Petit, S., Wyard, C., Swinnen, G., Neyt, X. & Hallot, E. (2021, July). Urban Sites Change Detection by the Means of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series. IGARSS 2021, Brussels, Belgium (online).
Vatovez, B. (2021, September). International and European Regulation – General public perspective. BioEM2021, Ghent, Belgium.
Wyard, C., Beaumont, B., Grippa, T., Georganos, S. & Hallot, E. (2021, July). UAVs for fine-scale open-source landfill mapping. IGARSS 2021, Brussels, Belgium (online).
Wyard, C., Beaumont, B., Marion, R., Roupioz, L., Grippa, T. & Hallot, E. (2021, March). Roof Material Mapping: Application Over Liège Using Open-Source Object-Based Supervised Classification Algorithms. EARSeL – 6th European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories Symposium Joint Workshop Urban Remote Sensing, Liège, Belgium (online).
Denis A.-C., Kech C. Leroy D., Marneffe Y. & Veschkens M. (2020, May). Evaluation of passive sampling methods in the Walloon surface water quality control strategy (Belgium) International Passive Sampling Workshop, Utrecht, The Netherlands (reported)
Joris, A. (2020, September) Microplastique dans la matrice solide. Développement de techniques simples de séparation Congrès de l’Astee 2020, Lyon, France.
Bémelmans S., Kech C., Nadin C., Frippiat C., (2019). LC/MS and GC/MS determination of emerging pollutants in walloon sewage sludge. The 5th European Conference on Sludge Management, ECSM’2019, 6-8 octobre 2019, Liège, Belgique.
Chabannes M., Minane J.-R. , Becquart F., Alary C., Henry M., Haouche L. (2019). Reuse of a dredged fluvial sediment from Wallonia as partial replacement of sand in concrete for a cycle path. 11th International SedNet Conference 3-5 avril 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatie.
Crettels, L., Burlion, N. & Frippiat, C. (2019).Presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria first survey in Wallonia (Belgium). Présentation d’un poster scientifique au HRWM – 20th Symposium on Health Related Water Microbiology, septembre 2019, Vienne, Autriche.
Doutreloup, S., Wyard, C., & Fettweis, X. (2019). “Utilité du modèle atmosphérique régional MAR pour le suivi des précipitations en Afrique : cas de la région du Lac Victoria et du Burkina Faso”. Poster lors du colloque Désertif’Actions, juin 2019, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Dury, M. et al. (2019). Introduction of low emission zones in Walloon municipalities : sensitivity tests with the Atmostreet model, 37th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, septembre 2019, Hamburg, Allemagne.
Falzone, C. et al. (Lenartz, F.) (2019). Evaluation of traffic’s influence near school front doors with low-cost PM2.5 monitoring Sensing of Atmospheres and Monitoring Objectives, 7th International Workshop and Conference, Particulate matters: Research and Management, octobre 2019, Belgrade, Serbie.
Habran, S., Crespin, P., Veschkens, M. & Remy, S. (2019). Identification des points noirs environnementaux à l’aide d’un outil web cartographique. Présentation orale au 10e congrès annuel de la SFSE sur les inégalités socio-environnementales de santé, pour une approche interdisciplinaire, 27-28 novembre, Paris, France.
Habran, S., Phillipart, C., Veschkens, M. & Remy, S. (2019). Etude écologique géographique du lien entre l’utilisation des produits phytopharmaceutiques agricoles en Wallonie (Belgique) et l’occurrence de pathologies spécifiques. Poster présenté au 10e congrès annuel de la SFSE sur les inégalités socio-environnementales de santé, pour une approche interdisciplinaire, 27-28 novembre, Paris, France.
Habran, S., Phillipart, C., Veschkens, M. & Remy, S. (2019). Spatialisation de l’utilisation des produits phytopharmaceutiques agricoles en Wallonie (Belgique) et études écologiques géographiques. Poster présenté au 49e congrès du Groupe Français de recherche sur les Pesticides (GFP). 21-24 mai 2019, Montpellier, France.
Hallot, E., Beaumont, B., Petit, S., Poelmans, L., Grippa, T., Lennert, L. & Wolff, E. (2019). « SmartPop – New monitoring and forecasting tools for the Walloon territorial development ». Présentation lors du Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019, 28 novembre 2019, Kluisbergen, Belgique.
Hallot, E. & Guyon, F. (2019). « Détection des masses d’eau du Burkina Faso et estimation de leur volume de stockageà l’aide de la télédétection ». Poster lors du colloque Désertif’Actions 2019, 19 juin 2019, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Huyghebaert B., Remy S., Frippiat Ch., Veschkens M., Herman JL., Ducat N., Pigeon O., Schiffers B., Ruthy I. (2019). Assessment of different means to reduce the potential exposure to pesticides of residents living in the vicinity of treated fields. Présentation orale lors du Farm Machinery and Processes Management in Sustainable Agriculture, X International Scientific Symposium FMPMSA, novembre 2019, Lublin, Pologne.
Kech C., Bémelmans S., Moïs E., Nadin C., Frippiat C., (2019). Emerging pollutants in walloon sewage sludge: towards an integrated methodology to evaluate health and environmental impacts of farmland spreading. The 5th European Conference on Sludge Management, ECSM’2019, 6-8 octobre 2019, Liège, Belgique.
Kech C., Garot D., Nadin C., Frippiat C., (2019). Towards quality control of feedstocks for biodiesel production: the case of urban sewage sludge. The 5th European Conference on Sludge Management, ECSM’2019, 6-8 octobre 2019, Liège, Belgique.
Kech C., Garot D., Nadin C., Frippiat C., (2019). Optimization and economic assessment of an environment-friendly in situ enzymatic biodiesel production method from urban sewage sludge. The 5th European Conference on Sludge Management, ECSM’2019, 6-8 octobre 2019, Liège, Belgique.
Kondo, I., Guyon, F., & Hallot, E. (2019). « Approche cartographique de planification spatiale des actions de gestion durable des terres pour la durabilité environnementale des bas-fonds aménagés par le projet Neer Tamba (Burkina Faso)». Poster lors du colloque Désertif’Actions, 19 juin 2019, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Laperche V., Billon G., Lemière B., Lesven L., Superville P.J., Margus M., Alary C., Bour O., Lefebvre M., Auger P., Henry M., (2119). Environmental monitoring at a sediment source site to qualify for beneficial use. 11th International SedNet Conference, 3-5 avril 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatie.
Lenartz, F. et al. (2019). Validation of street canyon models in Wallonia, 37th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, septembre 2019, Hamburg, Allemagne.
Lenartz, F. et al. (2019). Sensor use within the “Outdoor and Indoor Exposure” project, DG Env Sensor workshop, Bruxelles, Belgique.
Lenartz, F. et al. (2019). An Antilope to measure PM2.5 and NO2 concentrations in Antwerp and in Wallonia, VAQUUMS workshop, Bruxelles, Belgique.
Lennert, M., Grippa, T., Radoux, J., Bassine, C., Beaumont, B., Defourny, P. & Wolff, E. (2019). « Creating Wallonia’s new very high resolution land cover maps: combining GRASS GIS OBIA and OTB pixel-based results ». Présentation lors du FOSS4G-BE, 24 octobre 2019, Bruxelles, Belgique.
Petit, S., Stasolla, M., Rasumny, C., Neyt, X., Hallot, E. (2019). « SARSAR – The potential of SAR and OPTICAL Sentinel images for the automatic monitoring of redevelopment sites ». Présentation lors du Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019, 28 novembre 2019, Kluisbergen, Belgique.
Petit, S., Wyard, C., Van de Vyvere, L., Close, O. (2019). « L’observation de la Terre au service de l’Environnement à l’ISSeP : détection de changements en zone urbaine & outils de cartographie du territoire ». Poster à l’exposition Space Girls, Space Women, 25-29 mars 2019, Liège, Belgique.
Remy S, Ruthy I, Castelain Ph. (2019). Pesticide exposure assessment of residents during pesticides spraying operations: application of EFSA’s model with field data. Présentation orale lors du IUPAC 2019 Congress, Gand, Belgique.
Ruthy I, Remy S. (2019). Evaluation des risques pour les riverains lors de pulvérisations de pesticides, GFP 2019, Présentation orale lors du 49e congrès du Groupe Français de recherche sur les Pesticides, Montpellier, France.
Ruthy I., Remy S., Frippiat Ch., Veschkens M., Herman J-L, Ducat N., Pigeon O., Schiffers B., Huyghebaert B. (2019). Assessment of exposure to pesticides of residents living in the vicinity of treated fields. IUPAC 2019 Congress, Gand, Belgique.
Ruthy I., Remy S., Frippiat Ch., Veschkens M., Herman J-L, Ducat N., Pigeon O., Huyghebaert B., Schiffers B. (2019). Exposure assessment to pesticides in the vicinity of treated field: case study in school playgrounds and in private gardens. IUPAC 2019 Congress, Gand, Belgique.
Ruthy I., Remy S., Veschkens M., Huyghebaert B., Herman J-L, Pigeon O., Schiffers B. (2019). Mesures de pesticides dans l’air et dans les dépôts en bordure de champs lors d’opérations de pulvérisation, GFP 2019, Présentation orale lors du 49e congrès du Groupe Français de recherche sur les Pesticides, Montpellier, France.
Remy S., Veschkens M., Huyghebaert B., Herman J-L, Pigeon O., Schiffers B., Ruthy I. (2019). Inégalité territoriale d’exposition aux pesticides : Action concertée pour dégager des recommandations destinées à réduire les risques des riverains. 10ème Congrès annuel SFSE: les inégalités socio-environnementales de santé par une approche multidisciplinaire, Paris, France.
Ronchi, B., Joris, A., Veschkens, M., Fripppiat, C. (2019) Fate of TiO2 nanoparticles in carbonate and silicate aquifers. Poster à la conférence Groundwater Quality – 9-12 September 2019, Liège, Belgique.
Vatovez, B., Guettafi, A., Verschaeve, L., Ledent, M., Geuzaine, C., Beauvois, V., Dieudonné, M., Bordarie, J., Prignot, N. & Pirard, W. (2019). An innovative experimental protocol for the study of electromagnetic hypersensitivity : overview of technical aspects. Présentation lors du BioEM 2019, Montpellier, France.
Wyard, C., Beaumont, B., Hallot, E. (2019). “Copernicus, le programme européen de surveillance de la Terre : des données open-access pour le suivi dynamique du territoire”. Poster lors du colloque Désertif’Actions, 19 juin 2019, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Bergmans B., Lenartz F., Fays S., Hutsemékers V. (2018) « Micro-capteurs de qualité de l’air … Pour quoi faire ? ». Poster présenté au Sommet Wallon Air Climat Energie – 17/10/2018 – Liège – Belgium.
Bémelmans, S., Moïs, E., Kech, C., Galloy, A., Nadin, C. & Frippiat, C. (2018). Emerging pollutants in Walloon sewage sludge: towards an integrated methodology to evaluate health and environmental impacts of farmland spreading. Sludge Management in the Circular Economy – SMICE. May 23-25, Rome, Italy (poster).
Caudeville, J., Habran, S., Regrain, C., Bonnard, R., Zeman, F., Remy, S. & Brochot, C. (2018). The territorialized exposome concept to characterize cumulative risk at the population level. Oral presentation during ISES-ISEE 28th Joint Annual Meeting: Addressing Complex Local and Global Issues in Environmental Exposure and Health. Ottawa, Canada, August 26-30.
Denis, A.C., Kech C., Leroy, D., Marneffe, Y., Frippiat, C. & Veschkens, M. (2018). Evaluation of passive sampling methods in the Walloon surface water quality control strategy (Belgium). Training Course On Passive Sampling (poster). Lausanne, Switzerland, March 14-16.
Habran, S., Caudeville, J., Crespin, P., Veschkens, M. & Remy, S. (2018). Mapping Hotspots of Environmental Burdens in the Framework of Cumulative Risk Assessment in Wallonia. ISES-ISEE 28th Joint Annual Meeting: Addressing Complex Local and Global Issues in Environmental Exposure and Health. Ottawa, Canada, August 26-30 (poster).
Habran, S., Veschkens, M. & Remy, S. (2018). Methodology for Identifying Hotspots of Environmental Burdens at a Regional Scale and used in a Spatial Web Tool. Oral presentation during ICEPRAR International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Risk Assessment and Remediation. Mahdia, Tunisia, April 18-20.
Kech, C., Galloy, A., Frippiat, C. & Garot, D. (2018). Towards quality control of feedstocks for biodiesel production: the case of urban sewage sludges. Sludge Management in the Circular Economy – SMICE. May 23-25, Rome, Italy (poster).
Kech, C., Galloy, A., Nadin, C., Frippiat, C. & Garot, D. (2018). Optimization and economic assessment of an environment-friendly in situ enzymatic biodiesel production method from urban sewage sludge. Sludge Management in the Circular Economy – SMICE. May 23-25, Rome, Italy (poster).
Liénard, F., Haouche, L. (2018). Valorization of waterways sediments in Wallonia (Belgium): study case of a landscaped mound. I2SM 2018, 6th International Symposium on Sediment Management. San Cristobal de Las Casas, Mexique, 19-23 juin 2018.
Bouhoulle, E., Sinaba, T., Breulet, H. (2018). Ignition and explosion characteristics of four nanopowders. NANOSAFE 2018. Grenoble, France, 5-9 nov 2018.
Bouhoulle, E., Sinaba, T., Breulet, H., Dalle, M., Aguerre-Chariol, O., Le Bihan, O. (2018). Risk assessment during explosion severity tests of carbon black and MWCNT in a laboratory. NANOSAFE 2018. Grenoble, France, 5-9 nov 2018.
Bouhoulle, E., Sinaba, T., Luthers, C., Dalle, M., Aguerre-Chariol, O., Breulet, H., Le Bihan, O. (2018). Occupational exposure assessment in a laboratory during explosion tests of carbon black and MWCNT (poster). NanoTox 2018, 9th Conference on Nanotoxicology. Düsseldorf, Allemagne, 18-21 sept 2018.
Chalon, C., Marneffe, Y., Claessens, A., Frippiat, C., Nott., K., Brahy, V., Delloye, F. (2018). Interest of in vitro bioassays (yes/yas) for the screening of endocrine disruption in surface waters of wallonia (belgium) (poster). SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting. Rome, Italie 13-17 mai 2018.
Desmet S. (2018) Les incertitudes de mesure sont-elles une aide à la décision? Discussion et illustration au travers d’exemples issus de la calorimétrie par consommation d’oxygène utilisée dans le domaine de la sécurité incendie. 49èmes Journées de Calorimétrie et d’Analyse Thermique, Saint-Etienne, France, 23-25 mai 2018.
Crévecoeur, S. & Remy, S. (2017). Review of the guidelines for human health risk assessment of contaminated soils in Wallonia (Belgium), results of a collaborative work between different multidisciplinary scientists (poster). Intersol 2017: International Conference-Exhibition on Soils, Sediments and Water.
Giusti, A., Crévecoeur, S. & Remy, S. (2017). Development and Evolution of Pesticides Risks Indicators to Human Health in Wallonia, Belgium (poster). SETAC 2017.
Giusti, A., Galloy, A., Gérard, G., Delvaux, A., Pigeon, O. & Remy, S. (2017). Evolution of ambient air concentrations of 46 pesticides in Wallonia, Belgium in summer 2015 (poster). SETAC 2017.
Habran, S., César, E., Veschkens, M. & Remy, S. (2017). Building spatial composite indicators to identify environmental health risk areas in Walloon region (poster). SETAC 2017.
Bouhoulle, E., Petit, J., Jailler, M., Rémy, S. (2017). Protocol for the selection of physicochemical values for non-standardized contaminants for the establishment of soil limit values in Wallonia, Belgium. Poster at the Conference AquaConSoil 2017. Lyon, France.
Bémelmans, S., Frippiat, C., Galloy, A., Leroy, D., Marneffe, Y., Delloye, F. & Brahy, V. (2017). Composés perfluoroalkylés dans les eaux de surface et les biotes en Wallonie (Belgique) : première évaluation de l’état des masses d’eau et des pressions (poster). 1er Colloque du Réseau Public Contaminants. Arcachon, France, 22-23 Novembre 2017.
Chalon, C., Marneffe, Y., Galloy, A., Frippiat, C., Delloye, F. & Brahy, V. (2017). Interest of in vitro bioassays (YES/YAS) for the screening of endocrine disruption in surface waters (poster) Norman workshop on integrated exposure and effects assessment Amsterdam, The Netherlands, du 25 au 26 avril.
Chalon, C., Marneffe, Y., Galloy, A., Frippiat, C., Delloye F., Brahy V., Latour C (2017). Niveaux de perturbation endocrinienne en Wallonie – Evaluation de l’intérêt des bioessais YES/YAS comme outil de screening ou comme alternative aux analyses chimiques (présentation orale). ASTEE 96th Annual Conference: Regions and the UE, working together to foster environmental transition. Liège, Belgium, June 6-9.
Delaby, S., Nehme, C., Flament, J., Burlet, C. & Verheyden, S. (2017). Suivi climatique de la grotte de Han : bilan des mesures et perspectives (poster). Journées de spéléologie scientifique 2017, Han-sur-Lesse, 18 & 19 novembre 2017.
Flament, J., Meus, P., Dumoulin, P., Chauveau, C., London, J.-C. & Xhaard, P. (2017). La grotte et l’Abîme de Comblain-au-Pont : Nouvelles perspectives hydrogéologiques (poster). Journées de spéléologie scientifique 2017. Han-sur-Lesse, 18 & 19 novembre 2017.
Frippiat, C., Galloy, A., Carbonnelle, P. & Delloye, F. (2017). Occurrence and concentration levels of selected pesticide metabolites in Walloon groundwater (poster). Persistent and Mobile Organic Chemicals in the Water Cycle: Linking science, technology and regulation to protect drinking water quality. Leipzig, Germany, 23-24 November.
Frippiat, C., Canisius, M.-F., Nott, K., Ronkart, S., Pigeon, O., Rousseau, G., Ruelle, M., Brahy, V. & Delloye, F. (2017). GISREAUX – Towards an increased collaboration between public laboratories in the Walloon water sector (présentation orale). ASTEE 96th Annual Conference: Regions and the UE, working together to foster environmental transition. Liège, Belgium, June 6-9.
Frippiat, C., Nott, K., Burlion, N., Carbonnelle, P., Chalon, C., Delvaux, A., Galloy, A., Marneffe, Y., Pigeon, O., Ronkart, S., Rousseau, G., Brahy, V. & Delloye, F. (2017). Screening of endocrine disruptors in Walloon waters (poster). ASTEE 96th Annual Conference: Regions and the UE, working together to foster environmental transition. Liège, Belgium, June 6-9.
Hémart, M., Breulet, H., Marneffe, Y. (2017). TiO2, CNT and Al nanoparticles risk assessment for sediment-dwelling organisms (poster). SETAC 2017 Bruxelles, Belgique, du 8 au 11 mai 2017.
Joris, A., Ronchi, B., Canisius, M.-F. & Frippiat, C. (2017). Mineralization of Titanium nanoparticles for the determination of Titanium in groundwater samples (poster). 19th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (EXTECH 2017). Santiago De Compostella, Spain, June 26-30.
Leroy, D., Libert, P-N., Galloy, A., Hardy, H., Canisius, M.F.., Marneffe, Y. (2017). Use of macroinvertebrates and fish to determine priority substances concentrations in Walloon Rivers: biota monitoring network and caging techniques (poster). SETAC 2017 Bruxelles, Belgique, du 8 au 11 mai 2017.
Marneffe, Y., Chalon, C., Leroy, D., Vaerewyck, J.F. (2017). Multi-actor strategy for the management of an industrial effluent impacting a sensitive waterbody: use of bioassays to assess the efficiency of the management measures (poster). SETAC 2017 Bruxelles, Belgique, du 8 au 11 mai 2017.
Marneffe, Y., Chalon, C., Henry, P., Vaerewyck, J-F. (2017). Stratégie multi-acteurs pour la gestion d’un rejet d’eaux usées industrielles impactant une masse d’eau vulnérable et évaluation de l’efficacité des mesures prises par l’utilisation de bioessais (poster). ASTEE 96th Annual Conference: Regions and the UE, working together to foster environmental transition. Liège, Belgium, June 6-9.
Marneffe, Y., Chalon, C., & Vaerewyck, J.-F. (2017). Effect monitoring of selected effluents impacting sensitive waterbodies and use of bioassays to assess the efficiency of the management measures (poster). Norman workshop on integrated exposure and effects assessment Amsterdam, The Netherlands, du 25 au 26 avril.
Moïs, E., Bémelmans, S., Kech, C., Galloy, A., Frippiat, C., (2017). Polluants émergents dans les boues valorisées en agriculture : Méthodologie intégrée pour l’évaluation des impacts sur la santé humaine. 1er Colloque du Réseau Public Contaminants. Arcachon, France, 22-23 Novembre 2017.
Nott, K., Carbonnelle, P., Ronkart, S., Frippiat, C., Ruelle, M., Brahy, V. & Delloye, F. (2017). Inventaire des substances médicamenteuses dans les eaux wallonnes (présentation orale). ASTEE 96th Annual Conference: Regions and the UE, working together to foster environmental transition. Liège, Belgium, June 6-9.
Ronchi, B., Joris, A., Mahy, J., Heinrichs, B., Veschkens, M. & Frippiat, C. (2017). Fate of TiO2 nanoparticles in carbonate and silicate aquifers. Goldschmidt2017 Conference (poster). Paris, August 13-18.
Lenartz, F., Bergmans, B., Spanu, L. (2017). Tools for data management and exploratory data analysis. Poster presented at Icos scientific conference, 20/10/2017, Gembloux, Belgium
Dyakov, I., Bergmans, B., Petitjean, S., Idczak, F. (2017). Alternative Use of FTIR for the Analysis of Industrial Gases Emission. Oral presentation during the 9th International GAS Analysis Symposium and Exhibition, 13-15/06/2017, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Laruelle, R., Luthers, C., Lenartz, F. et Fays, S. (2017). Measure of ultrafine particles and other pollutants in ambient air: experience feedback in Wallonia (Belgium) near traffic sources. Poster presented at the international conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Application to Air Quality (ASAAQ), Strasbourg, France
Laruelle, R., Luthers, C., Lenartz, F. et Fays, S. (2017). Measure of ultrafine particles and other pollutants in ambient air: experience feedback in Wallonia (Belgium) near traffic sources. Oral presentation during the 6th International Symposium on Ultrafine Particles – Air quality and climate, Bruxelles, Belgium
Lenartz, F., Detalle, F., Gérard, G., Fays, S. (2017). Estimating black carbon concentrations in the city of Liège, Wallonia, Belgium. Oral presentation during the International conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Application to Air Quality (ASAAQ), Strasbourg, France
Lenartz, F., Detalle, F., Gérard, G., Fays, S. (2017). Estimating black carbon concentrations in the city of Liège, Wallonia, Belgium. Oral presentation during the 6th International Symposium on Ultrafine Particles – Air quality and climate, Bruxelles, Belgium
Dyakov, I., Bergmans, B., Idczak, F. & Breulet, H. Influence of Dilution Stage on Measurements of Particle Emissions of a Small Scale Biomass Boiler. EAC 2017, August 27 – September 1, 2017.
Bergmans, B. & Wijner, E. (2016). CITIMAP : Implementation of Air quality sensors in 7 urban labs in the EMR Region. ASE2016 – Air Sensors Everywhere Symposium, York, UK, 13-14/10/16
Bouhoulle, E., Louvieaux J., Haouche-Belkessam L. (2016). Valsolindus, a demonstration project of sediment valorisation. Communication présentée au 5th International Symposium on Sediment Management, July 11-13. Montréal, Canada.
Close, JP, Szabo-Müller, P. & Bergmans, B. (2016). Awareness driven Smartness in Living Labs – Co-Creation and Diffusion of Sustainocracy in Eindhoven and the EMR –
Smart City-Regional Governance for Sustainability : Experimental Smartness ‒ 6- 7/10/2016 – Dresden (Germany)
Giusti, A., Galloy, A. Gérard, G. & al. (2016). Ambient air concentrations of 46 currently-used pesticides in wallonia, belgium. Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci, Ghent University, 76/2, 2016
Nehme, C., Verheyden, S., Flament, J. & al. (2016). « Etude micro-climatique de la salle du Dôme (grotte de Han-sur-Lesse) : Apports à compréhension du signal saisonnier et de l’effet de site. Communication orale aux « 20e Journées de Spéléologie Scientifique », 11, 12, 13 novembre 2016, Han-sur-Lesse.
Remy, S., Cox, B., Gohy, M., Minet, I., Galloy, A. & Nawrot, T. (2016). Indoor air quality in Belgian dwellings during early life. Atmos’Fair. The everyday air pollution: exposure and management, October 11 & 12, 2016, Paris.
Lenartz, F., Troupin, C. & Lefebvre, W. (2016). Data interpolating variational analysis for the generation of atmospheric pollution maps at various scales. International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application. 3-7 Octobre 2016. Chania, Grèce.
Desmet, S. (2016) Des difficultés rencontrées pour corréler des résultats obtenus à différentes échelles en calorimétrie par consommation d’oxygène. 47èmes Journées de Calorimétrie et d’Analyse Thermique , Anglet 18-20 mai, France.
Dyakov, I., Bergmans, B., Bram, S. & Contino, F. (2016). Experimental Study of Particulate Matter Emission from 10kW and 20kW Modern Batch Loaded Wood Stoves
JDE2016 – 24th Journées d’Etude of the Belgian Section of the Combustion Institute – Louvain-la-Neuve – 19-20/05/2016
Hurdebise, Q., Bergmans, B., & Aubinet. M. (2016) Ozone concentration and CO2 flux monitoring in a belgian forest. 5th ICP Forest Scientific Conference – 10-12-05-2016- Luxemburg.
Bergmans, B., Dyakov, I. V., Petitjean, S. & Idczak. F. (2016). Alternative Use of FTIR for the Analysis of Emission Gases. CEM 2016, 12th International Conference and exhibition on Emissions monitoring, 18-20 mai, Lisbon, Portugal.
Dyakov, I., Bergmans, B., Bram, S., De Ruyck, J., Contino, F. (2016). Experimental Study of Particle Emissions from Pellet Stove. CEM 2016, 12th International Conference and exhibition on Emissions monitoring, 18-20 mai, Lisbon, Portugal.
Dyakov, I.,Bergmans, B, Petitjean, S., Idczak, F. (2016). FTIR as equivalent method for Industrial Gas Emission. Combura Symposium 2016 ‒ 5&6/10/2016 ‒ Soesterberg, Pays-Bas.
Close, JP, Szabo-Müller, P. & Bergmans, B. (2016). Awareness driven Smartness in Living Labs – Co-Creation and Diffusion of Sustainocracy in Eindhoven and the EMR –
Smart City-Regional Governance for Sustainability : Experimental Smartness, 6- 7 mai, Dresden, Allemagne.
Bergmans, B. & Wijner, E. (2016). CITIMAP : Implementation of Air quality sensors in 7 urban labs in the EMR Region. ASE2016 – Air Sensors Everywhere Symposium, 13-14 octobre, York, Royaume-Unis.
Ronchi, B., Frippiat, C., Drevet, J.-P., Veschkens, M., Pacyna D., (2016) Assessing post-mining risks in the long term: ten years of hydrological monitoring in Liège (Belgium), IMWA 2016, 11-15 juillet, Leipzig, Allemagne, 4p.
Ronchi, B., Drevet, J.-P., Frippiat, C., Veschkens, M. (2016). M. Risk assessment in an abandoned coal field: ten years of hydrological monitoring in Liège (Belgium). 5th International Geologica Belgica Meeting. Mother Earth. Mons, 26-29 january, 1p.
Stephenne, N., Jasselette, J-C., Delfosse, B., Barbier, C., Ledent, P., & Stassart, M. (2016). #Sentinels4Regions_WALLONIA, Final Event at the European Parliament of the project untitled Improving Copernicus take-up among Local and Regional Authorities via dedicated thematic workshops, June 28, Bruxelles.
Stephenne, N., Lenartz, F., Beaumont, B., & Hallot, E. (2016). Keynote on geoinformation available and needed for urban and environmental modelling in Wallonia. Eurographics Workshop on Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation. University of Liège, Liège.